8323 8900 1987-04-24
Ecuador, Loja, sin datos, Villonaco Ca. 15 km W. of Loja, cloud forest changing into shrubby paramo at ridge tops. Forest selectively logged., -4 -79.3, 2500 - 2900m
10043 9073 1987-04-26
Ecuador, Loja, sin datos, About 10 km SW of Loja, along road past the University towards La Violeta. Degraded cloud forest and rather dry scrub., -4.033333 -79.166667, 2950m
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1261358336 H. van der Werff;Walter A. Palacios 9073 1987-04-26
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, About 10 km SW of Loja, along road past the University towards La Violeta. Degraded cloud forest and rather dry scrub., -4.033333 -79.166667
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1261135390 A. Bøgh Pedersen 86605 1989-11-16
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Parque Nacional Podocarpus. Above Nudo de Cajanuma around Centro de información. Wet montane forest., -4.083333 -79.166667
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1261135024 Benjamin Øllgaard;Simon Lægaard;Karsten Thomsen;J. Korning;Thea Illum 57904 1985-02-21
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Parque Nacional Podocarpus, S of Loja. Wet montane forest at the Centro de Información E of Nudo de Cajanuma., -4.083333 -79.166667
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1260019051 Jens E. Madsen 7160 2000-08-19
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Parque Recreational de la Universidad Nacional de Loja. Regularly burned scrub vegetation ('matorral') and paramo near the summit of the slopes., -4.03333 -79.2
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1260015936 Benjamin Øllgaard;Hugo Navarrete 105974 1994-12-01
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Trails ca 5 km ENE of San Pedro de Vilcabamba, Loma Solamaco to upper Quebrada Romerillos; Low, light-open forest on peaty soil and adjacent secondary scrub., -4.23333 -79.16666
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1258267048 H. van der Werff;Walter A. Palacios 8900 1987-04-24
Ecuador, Loja, Catamayo, Villonaco Ca. 15 km W. of Loja, cloud forest changing into shrubby paramo at ridge tops. Forest selectively logged., -4 -79.3
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
47833849 J.E. Madsen 1984-05-23
Ecuador, Loja, Catamayo, Old road Loja - Catamayo, c. km 10. Disturbed shrubby vegetation along roadside and on hills used for pasture; evidently burned rather recently., -4 -79.333
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
47833838 J.E. Madsen 2000-08-19
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Parque Recreational de la Universidad Nacional de Loja. Regularly burned scrub vegetation ('matorral') and paramo near the summit of the slopes., -4.033 -79.2
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
47833471 B. Ollgaard 1989-03-19
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, New road Loja-Saraguro, km 17., -3.916 -79.25
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
47833436 B. Ollgaard 1988-06-26
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Parque Nacional Podocarpus. Sample plot site in wet montane forest just N. of ´Centro de informacion´., -4.083 -79.166
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
47833411 B. Ollgaard 1985-02-21
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Parque Nacional Podocarpus, S of Loja. Wet montane forest at the "Centro de Información" E of Nudo de Cajanuma., -4.083 -79.166
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
47833241 B. Ollgaard 1994-12-01
Ecuador, Loja, Sin dato, Trails ca 5 km ENE of San Pedro de Vilcabamba, Loma Solamaco to upper Quebrada Romerillos; Low, light-open forest on peaty soil and adjacent secondary scrub., -4.233 -79.166
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
47833094 A. Bogh 1989-11-17
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Parque Nacional Podocarpus. Above Nudo de Cajanuma around "Centro de información". Wet montane forest., -4.083 -79.166
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
47833091 A. Bogh 1989-10-18
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Parque Nacional Podocarpus. E. of Nudo de Cajanuma, just N. of "Centro de Información" Sample plot site., -4.083 -79.166
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
47829981 J.E. Madsen 1988-12-30
Ecuador, Loja, Saraguro, Road Pichig - Fierro Urcu, km 11 (app. 15 km SW of Saraguro). Wet montane forest in ravines., -3.683 -79.333
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
2012807938 H. Balslev 1388 1981-01-02
Loma de Oro at Panamerican Highway, 10 km S of Saraguro along turn-off 2 km to the E from the pass., 3300m
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
2012773842 J. L. Luteyn 6652 1979-01-02
Páramos de Saraguro, 10 kms. S of Saraguro., 3050m
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, """Trails ca 5 km ENE of San Pedro de Vilcabamba, Loma Solamaco to upper Quebrada Romerillos, -4.233 -79.166
Gbif:Plantae Gbif