Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1261689240 Simon Lægaard;Benjamin Øllgaard;Pablo Luzano;Ida Jelnes 18608 G 1998-03-21
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Chinchipe, Jimbura-Zumba road, in pass and till app. 3 km W of pass., -4.733333 -79.416667
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1261689218 Simon Lægaard;et al. 19057 A 1998-08-27
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, 1-5 km along road to Fierro Urco., -3.68333 -79.26666
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1261689209 Simon Lægaard 19057 B 1998-08-27
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, 1-5 km along road to Fierro Urco., -3.683333 -79.266667
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1261689090 Simon Lægaard;Irene Vicente 19122 B 1998-09-08
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Between the old campment and Fierro Urco., -3.7 -79.333333
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1261689086 Simon Lægaard;Irene Vicente 19122 A 1998-09-08
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Between the old campment and Fierro Urco., -3.7 -79.33333
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
47834265 S. Laegaard 1998-09-08
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Between the old campment and Fierro Urco, -3.7 -79.333
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
47834264 S. Laegaard 1998-09-08
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Between the old campment and Fierro Urco, -3.7 -79.333
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1928823927 R. Espinosa E694 1946-10-05
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1261727211 William C. Steere;H. Balslev 25901 1983-09-24
Ecuador, Loja, Saraguro, Loma de Oro, between Loja and Saraguro, cloud forest just below army short wave relay tower, on access rd. with entrance 10 km S of Saraguro, -3.66666 -79.21666
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1261688940 Simon Lægaard;Pablo Lozano 18514 C 1998-03-07
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Cajanuma, along road to Casa de INEFAN., -4.08333 -79.16666
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1261685858 Simon Lægaard;Isabelle Grignon 20908 E 2000-01-02
Ecuador, Bolivar, Guaranda, Prov. Loja/Zamora. Paso de Sabanilla on road Loja - Zumba., -1.45 -79.15
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1261625326 Jens E. Madsen 74044 1984-04-22
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Zamora, Loja-Zamora road, ca. km 15., -3.966667 -79.133333
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
47834326 S. Laegaard 1985-02-23
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Zamora, Parque Nacional de Podocarpus. Cajanúma, at Casa de Predesur. Montane forest., -4.15 -79.15
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
47833844 J.E. Madsen 1984-04-22
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Zamora, Loja-Zamora road, approx. km 15., -3.966 -79.133
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
2028192587 Steere, William Campbell; Balslev, Henrik 25901 1982-09-24
Loma de Oro, between Loja and Saraguro, cloud forest just below army short-wave relay tower, on access road with entrance 10 km S of Saraguro, 3350m
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
2028174307 Madsen, J. E 74044 1984-04-00
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Zamora, Loja-Zamora road, ca. km 15, -3.966667 -79.133333, 2400 - 2700m
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1931355286 S. Lægaard 53628J 1985-02-23
Cajanuma, SE of Loja, 3000m
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1930858442 W. C. Steere 25901 1982-09-24
Ecuador, Loja, Saraguro, Loma de Oro, between Loja and Saraguro, just below army short-wave relay tower, on access road with entrance 10 km S of Saraguro, -3.67 -79.22, 3350m
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1928023209 W. C. Steere 25751 1982-09-23
Loja-Zamora highway 9 km E of Loja, 2350m
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
4601528106 William C. Steere; Henrik Balslev 25901 1982-09-24
Loma de Oro, between Loja and Saraguro, cloud forest just below army short-wave relay tower, on access road with entrance 10 km south of Saraguro., 3350m