UVMVT205529 I. Olivares 153 2014-07-03
Ecuador, Loja, Podocarpus National Park. Cerro Toledo area; forest along the road.; -4.384526 -79.110965, -4.384526 -79.110965, 3200m
UVMVT205409 I. Olivares 018 2014-06-27
Ecuador, Loja, Estación Científica San Francisco, forest at 5 m from the walking trail along along Transect 1, -3.979445 -79.073995, 2200m
UVMVT205410 I. Olivares 140 2014-07-03
Ecuador, Loja, Podocarpus National Park. Cerro Toledo area; forest along the road, 4.384526 -79.110965, 3200m
UVMVT205411 I. Olivares 178 2014-07-10
Ecuador, Loja, Estación Científica San Francisco, forest at 5 m from the walking trail along Transect 1, -3.979445 -79.073995, 2200m
UVMVT205471 I. Olivares 139 2014-07-03
Ecuador, Loja, Podocarpus National Park. Cerro Toledo area; forest along road, 4.384526 -79.110965, 3200m
UVMVT205472 I. Olivares 139 2014-07-03
Ecuador, Loja, Podocarpus National Park. Cerro Toledo area; forest along road, 4.384526 -79.110965, 3200m
UVMVT205447 I. Olivares 170 2014-07-06
Ecuador, Loja, Podocarpus National Park. Cerro Toledo area; forest along the road, 4.384526 -79.110965, 3100m
UVMVT205448 I. Olivares 166 2014-07-05
Ecuador, Loja, Podocarpus National Park. Cerro Toledo area; forest along the road, 4.384526 -79.110965, 3200m
UVMVT205449 I. Olivares 138 2014-07-03
Ecuador, Loja, Podocarpus National Park. Cerro Toledo area; forest along the road, 4.384526 -79.110965, 3200m
UVMVT205414 I. Olivares 168 2014-07-05
Ecuador, Loja, Podocarpus National Park, Cerro Toledo area; forest along the road, 4.384526 -79.110965, 3200m
UVMVT205400 I. Olivares 002 2014-06-27
Ecuador, Loja, Estación Cientifica San Francisco, forest at 5 m from the walking trail along Transect 1, -3.979445 -79.073995, 2200m
UVMVT205401 I. Olivares 161 2014-03-07
Ecuador, Loja, Podocarpus National Park. Cerro Toledo area; forest along the road, 4.384526 -79.110965, 3200m
UVMVT205389 I. Olivares 200 2014-07-12
Ecuador, Loja, Estación Científica San Francisco, forest at 5 m from the walking trail along Transect 1, -3.979445 -79.073995, 2200m
UVMVT205485 I. Olivares 030 2014-06-27
Ecuador, Loja, Estacion Cientifica San Francisco, forest at 5 m from the walking trail along Transect 1, -3.979445 -79.073995, 2200m
157253 Peter Møller Jørgensen 2221 2000-11-04
Ecuador, Loja, Road San Lucas-Saraguro km 9, turn off to Fierro Urcu, 11 km to the pass. Disturbed, previously burnt grass páramo, with patchy Andean forest below. Dry season., -3.7175 -79.3236, 3630m
94156 Peter Møller Jørgensen 1243 1994-12-06
Ecuador, Loja, Fierro Urco, Saraguro-Loja, Km 12.4 turnoff towards Fierro Urco, Km 23.8. Páramo frequently burned., -3.7194 -79.3217, 3840m
8549 Hendrik Hessel Van der Werff 9144 1987-04-28
Ecuador, Loja, Parque Nacional Podocarpus, along trail from Casita to Nudo de Cajanuma, cloud forest changing into scrub at summit., -4.0833 -79.1667, 2700 - 3000m
8312 Hendrik Hessel Van der Werff 8936 1987-04-24
Ecuador, Loja, Villonaco Ca. 15 km W. of Loja, cloud forest changing into shrubby paramo at ridge tops. Forest selectively logged., -4 -79.3, 2500 - 2900m
4067899516 M. Lehnert 1464 2004-10-26
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Cerro Toledo, E of Yangana, between Loja and Valladolid, -4.383333 -79.116667
4067899513 M. Lehnert 1465 2004-10-26
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Cerro Toledo, E of Yangana, between Loja and Valladolid, -4.383333 -79.116667
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
2235430536 C. J. Rothfels 3671 2010-03-04
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Loja-Catamayo highway (the new one), at the intersection with the road that leads north to Chuquirbamba., -3.94894 -79.26986, 2600m
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1260609539 Robbin C. Moran;Cirri K. Rohrbach 5393 1991-02-15
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Road between Loja and Zamora. Paramo at pass., -3.95 -79.16666
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1259873825 Benjamin Øllgaard;Lars J. Christensen 75016 1988-06-26
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Parque Nacional Podocarpus. Sample plot site in wet montane forest just N. of ´Centro de informacion´., -4.08333 -79.16666
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1259873059 Benjamin Øllgaard;Jens E. Madsen;Lars J. Christensen 74561 1988-06-02
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Parque Nacional Podocarpus. Around entrance to the park on road Yangana - Cerro Toledo., -4.38333 -79.13333
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
47804218 J.E. Madsen 1988-09-17
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Road Loja - Zamora, app. km 10. Secondary montane forest on finca., -3.983 -79.166
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
47803938 B. Ollgaard 1989-03-19
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, New road Loja-Saraguro, km 17., -3.916 -79.25
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
47803914 B. Ollgaard 1984-06-02
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Parque Nacional Podocarpus. Around entrance to the park on road Yangana - Cerro Toledo., -4.383 -79.133
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
47803913 B. Ollgaard 1985-02-27
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Parque Nacional Podocarpus. Road Yangana - Cerro Toledo. Tall montane forest, dominated by Chusquea thicket on the forest floor., -4.383 -79.133
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
47803828 B. Ollgaard 1994-12-01
Ecuador, Loja, Sin dato, Trails ca 5 km ENE of San Pedro de Vilcabamba, Loma Solamaco to upper Quebrada Romerillos; Low, light-open forest on peaty soil and adjacent secondary scrub., -4.233 -79.166
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, """Trails ca 5 km ENE of San Pedro de Vilcabamba, Loma Solamaco to upper Quebrada Romerillos, -4.233 -79.166
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1261926617 Ira L. Wiggins 10967 1944-10-09
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1261926597 Harriet G. Barclay;Pedro Juajibioy C. 8532 1959-08-02
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1261838098 P.M. Jørgensen;Carmen Ulloa;Homero Vargas;Pablo Lozano 1243 1994-12-06
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Fierro Urco, Saraguro-Loja, Km 12.4 turnoff towards Fierro Urco, Km 23.8. Páramo frequently burned., -3.71944 -79.32166
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1260020992 Jens E. Madsen 7741 2001-03-06
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Zamora, Rd. Loja - Zamora, km 18 (El Tiro). Ridge-top vegetation with elfin forest and roadside., -3.96666 -79.13333
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1259997474 M.B. Klitgaard Klitgaard 450 1997-03-29
Ecuador, Loja, Sin dato, km 8.5 on road Loja-Saraguro, dirt track off to Fierro Urco, c. 12-13 km on this., -3.71666 -79.33333
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1258945788 Benjamin Øllgaard;H. Balslev 9637 1976-09-22
Ecuador, Loja, Espíndola, Muletrack Amaluza - Palanda, western slope, near the pass (W of Laguna Chuquiragua). Grass páramo with patches of montane forest with large trees in protected places., -4.58333 -79.33333
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1258935048 James L. Luteyn;Maria L. Lebrón-Luteyn;Bruce W. McAlpin 6558 1978-12-31
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1258741528 P.M. Jørgensen;Carmen Ulloa;Jorge Caranqui 2221 2000-11-04
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Road San Lucas-Saraguro km 9, turn off to Fierro Urcu, 11 km to the pass. Disturbed, previously burnt grass páramo, with patchy Andean forest below. Dry season., -3.7175 -79.32361
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
2235424811 A. S. Hitchcock 21565 1923-09-07
Between San Lucas and Ona., 3100m
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
47804266 J.E. Madsen 1990-01-20
Ecuador, Loja, Saraguro, Road Pichig - Fierro Urco, ca. km 10. Paramo and upper montane forest., -3.683 -79.333
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
2235417475 P. M. Jørgensen 2221 2000-11-04
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Road San Lucas-Saraguro km 9, turn off to Fierro Urcu, 11 km to the pass., -3.7175 -79.3236, 3630m
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
47804236 J.E. Madsen 2001-03-06
Ecuador, Loja, Sin dato, Rd. Loja - Zamora, km 18 (El Tiro). Ridge-top vegetation with elfin forest and roadside., -3.966 -79.133
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
47803939 B. Ollgaard 1976-09-22
Ecuador, Loja, Espíndola, Muletrack Amaluza - Palanda, western slope, near the pass (W of Laguna Chuquiragua). Grass páramo with patches of montane forest with large trees in protected places., -4.583 -79.333
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
2235397001 I. L. Wiggins 10967 1944-10-09
Cerro Villanaco, 7-12 km. west of Loja., 2743m
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1321577872 I. L. Wiggins 10967 1944-10-09
On nearly vertical bank of road cut Cerro Villanaco 7 - 12 km. West of Loja.
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1317988819 J. N. Rose, A. Pachano & G. Rose 23314 1918-10-03
Between Loja and Portovelo.
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
4130398286 B.B. Klitgaard 1997-03-29
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, km 8.5 on road Loja-Saraguro, dirt track off to Fierro Urco, c. 12-13 km on this., -3.716 -79.333
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1260031302 Jens E. Madsen 85474 1989-01-08
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Zamora, Limit of Parque Nacional Podocarpus. Around pass on road Loja-Zamora. Wet elfin forest, scrub-paramo and treeless ridge-top vegetation., -3.96666 -79.11666
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1259969561 A. Bøgh Pedersen 86609 1989-11-16
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Parque Nacional Podocarpus. Above Nudo de Cajanuma around Centro de información. Wet montane forest., -4.08333 -79.16666
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1259969298 A. Bøgh Pedersen 47959 1989-09-20
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Parque Nacional Podocarpus. E. of Nudo de Cajanuma, just N. of Centro de Información Sample plot site., -4.08333 -79.16666
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
47804247 J.E. Madsen 1989-01-08
Ecuador, Loja, Sin dato, Limit of Parque Nacional Podocarpus. Around pass on road Loja-Zamora. Wet elfin forest, scrub-paramo and treeless ridge-top vegetation., -3.966 -79.116
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
2235404581 M. A. Sundue 1157 2006-12-16
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, P.N. Podocarpus, Cajunuma park entrance, approx. 5 km E of the Loja-Vilcabomba Rd, along sendero lagunas., -4.11253 -79.17536, 2500m
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
47803922 B. Ollgaard 1988-06-26
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Parque Nacional Podocarpus. Sample plot site in wet montane forest just N. of ´Centro de informacion´., -4.083 -79.166
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
47803916 B. Ollgaard 1984-06-06
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Parque Nacional Podocarpus. E of Nudo de Cajanuma, trail E of 'Centro de Informacion' to crest on trail to Lagunas de Compadre., -4.083 -79.166
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
47803727 A. Bogh 1989-11-17
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Parque Nacional Podocarpus. Above Nudo de Cajanuma around "Centro de información". Wet montane forest., -4.083 -79.166
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
47803725 A. Bogh 1989-10-18
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Parque Nacional Podocarpus. E. of Nudo de Cajanuma, just N. of "Centro de Información" Sample plot site., -4.083 -79.166
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
47803830 B. Ollgaard 1994-12-01
Ecuador, Loja, Sin dato, Trails ca 5 km ENE of San Pedro de Vilcabamba, Loma Solamaco to upper Quebrada Romerillos; Low, light-open forest on peaty soil and adjacent secondary scrub., -4.233 -79.166
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, """Trails ca 5 km ENE of San Pedro de Vilcabamba, Loma Solamaco to upper Quebrada Romerillos, -4.233 -79.166
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1261544075 H. van der Werff;Walter A. Palacios 9145 1987-04-28
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Parque Nacional Podocarpus, along trail from Casita to Nudo de Cajanuma, cloud forest changing into scrub at summit., -4.08333 -79.16666
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1261543487 H. van der Werff;Walter A. Palacios 9144 1987-04-28
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Parque Nacional Podocarpus, along trail from Casita to Nudo de Cajanuma, cloud forest changing into scrub at summit., -4.08333 -79.16666
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1261377119 H. van der Werff;Walter A. Palacios 9430 1987-05-08
Ecuador, Loja, Saraguro, Cordillera del Loro, 50 km N of Loja, just before descending towards Saraguro, along road to radar station. Montane forest and scrub., -3.53333 -79.3
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1259867924 Benjamin Øllgaard;H. Balslev 9643 1976-09-22
Ecuador, Loja, Espíndola, Muletrack Amaluza - Palanda, western slope, near the pass (W of Laguna Chuquiragua). Grass páramo with patches of montane forest with large trees in protected places., -4.58333 -79.33333
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1258935948 H. van der Werff;Walter A. Palacios 9407 1987-05-08
Ecuador, Loja, Saraguro, Cordillera del Loro, 50 km N of Loja, just before descending towards Saraguro, along road to radar station. Montane forest and scrub., -3.53333 -79.3
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
2235432269 H. Balslev 1386 1981-01-02
Loma de Oro at Panamerican Highway, 10 km S of Saraguro along turn-off 2 km to the E from the pass., 3300m
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
47804249 J.E. Madsen 1989-01-17
Ecuador, Loja, Sin dato, Limit of Parque Nacional Podocarpus. Just E of pass on road Loja-Zamora. Wet elfin forest, scrub-paramo and treeless ridge-top vegetation., -3.966 -79.116
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
47804245 J.E. Madsen 1988-12-30
Ecuador, Loja, Saraguro, Road Pichig - Fierro Urcu, km 11 (app. 15 km SW of Saraguro). Wet montane forest in ravines., -3.683 -79.333
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
47804029 H. Balslev 1981-01-02
Ecuador, Loja, Saraguro, Loma de Oro at Panamerican Highway 10 km south of Saraguro along take-off 2 km to the east from the pass. Cloudforest., -3.666 -79.25
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
47804024 H.B. Pedersen 1995-06-27
Ecuador, Loja, Saraguro, Along small road leading to the antennas from Loma del Oro, between San Lucas and Saraguro. Shrub-paramo., -3.666 -79.216
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
47803940 B. Ollgaard 1976-09-22
Ecuador, Loja, Espíndola, Muletrack Amaluza - Palanda, western slope, near the pass (W of Laguna Chuquiragua). Grass páramo with patches of montane forest with large trees in protected places., -4.583 -79.333
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
47803937 B. Ollgaard 1989-03-12
Ecuador, Loja, Olmedo, Road Loma del Oro (S of Saraguro) toward Fierro Urcu, c. km 9., -3.95 -79.583
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
47803936 B. Ollgaard 1989-03-12
Ecuador, Loja, Olmedo, Road Loma del Oro (S of Saraguro) toward Fierro Urcu, c. km 9., -3.95 -79.583
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
47803909 B. Ollgaard 1985-02-22
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Parque Nacional Podocarpus, S of Loja. Mountain crest with low scrub, above "Centro de Información", E of Nudo de Cajanuma., -4.083 -79.166
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
47803907 B. Ollgaard 1985-02-21
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Parque Nacional Podocarpus, S of Loja. Wet montane forest at the "Centro de Información" E of Nudo de Cajanuma., -4.083 -79.166
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
47803850 B. Ollgaard 1996-11-21
Ecuador, Loja, Saraguro, Road to paramo 4.2 km from Bellavista on Manu-Saraguro road km 4 from Manu. Disturbed moist montane forest., -3.533 -79.416
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
4067899516 M. Lehnert 1464 2004-10-26
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Cerro Toledo, E of Yangana, between Loja and Valladolid, -4.383333 -79.116667
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1259656731 H. van der Werff;Walter A. Palacios 8936 1987-04-24
Ecuador, Loja, Catamayo, Villonaco Ca. 15 km W. of Loja, cloud forest changing into shrubby paramo at ridge tops. Forest selectively logged., -4 -79.3
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1258962520 H. Balslev 1386 1981-01-02
Ecuador, Loja, Saraguro, Loma de Oro at Panamerican Highway 10 km south of Saraguro along take-off 2 km to the east from the pass. Cloudforest., -3.66666 -79.25
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
47804265 J.E. Madsen 1990-01-20
Ecuador, Loja, Saraguro, Road Pichig - Fierro Urco, ca. km 10. Paramo and upper montane forest., -3.683 -79.333
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
47804264 J.E. Madsen 1990-01-20
Ecuador, Loja, Saraguro, Road Pichig - Fierro Urco, ca. km 10. Paramo and upper montane forest., -3.683 -79.333
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
47804239 J.E. Madsen 2001-08-12
Ecuador, Loja, Sin dato, Rd. Amaluza - Zumba (in construction), km 37. Paramo with cushion plants., -4.743 -79.424
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
47803829 B. Ollgaard 1994-12-01
Ecuador, Loja, Sin dato, Trails ca 5 km ENE of San Pedro de Vilcabamba, Loma Solamaco to upper Quebrada Romerillos; Low, light-open forest on peaty soil and adjacent secondary scrub., -4.233 -79.166
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1260971005 Jens E. Madsen 75354 1988-09-17
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Road Loja - Zamora, app. km 10. Secondary montane forest on finca., -3.98333 -79.16666
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
47804220 J.E. Madsen 1988-09-17
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Road Loja - Zamora, app. km 10. Secondary montane forest on finca., -3.983 -79.166
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
47803911 B. Ollgaard 1985-02-27
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Parque Nacional Podocarpus. Road Yangana - Cerro Toledo. Montane forest and low scrub on mountain ridge top., -4.383 -79.116