Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1261749932 Carlos E. Cerón 35180 1997-09-12
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Cerro Villonaco. Remanente de bosque andino; siempre verde montano alto., -3.96666 -79.26666
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1261727758 William C. Steere;H. Balslev 25879 1982-09-24
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, New carretera between Loja and Saraguro., -3.8 -79.21666
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1261689243 Simon Lægaard;Pablo Lozano 18519 B 1998-03-07
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Cajanuma, along trail from Casa de INEFAN to Laguna de Compadres., -4.08333 -79.16666
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1261688944 Simon Lægaard;Pablo Lozano 18514 J 1998-03-07
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Cajanuma, along road to Casa de INEFAN., -4.08333 -79.16666
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
2028283119 Buck, William R 39580 2001-05-28
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Zamora, Parque Nacional Podocarpus, 9 km SE of park entrance along Hwy 39, S of city of Loja, Sendero Autoguiado Bosque Nublado, from Cajanuma., -4.066667 -79.15, 2750 - 2800m
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
2028255314 Shaw, Jonathan 11488 2001-05-28
Ecuador, Azuay, Sigsig, Cajanuma, on the Cendero Autoguiado Bosque Neblado (cloud forest self-guided trail) at the end of the park road. Ca. 9 km E of Hwy 39., -3.15 -78.816667, 2750 - 2800m
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
2028164584 Steere, William Campbell; Balslev, Henrik 25870 1982-09-23
Loja-Zamora highway, ca. 14 km E of Loja, just W of pass
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1931246991 W. R. Buck 39580 2001-05-28
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Zamora, Parque Nacional Podocarpus, 9 km SE of park entrance along Hwy 39, S of city of Loja, Sendero Autoguiado Bosque Nublado, from Cajanuma, -4.07 -79.15, 2800m
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
4850954020 William C. Steere; Henrik Balslev 25870 1982-09-23
Loja-Zamora highway, ca. 14 km east of Lojam just west of pass on trees and cliffs along road, cloud forest.