1747 S. Salgado 96 2008-11-13
Ecuador, Loja, Saraguro, Laguna de Chinchilla, -3.607 -79.3936, 3300 - 3800m
19051 Peter Møller Jørgensen 2002 2000-06-19
Ecuador, Azuay, -2.9014 -79.2611, 3700m
26649 Boris M. Hillmann 7 2009-10-03
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, -3.8136 -79.2175, 2235m
26661 Florian A. Werner 1712 2005-07-23
Ecuador, Loja, 2005m
26662 Peter Møller Jørgensen 2003 2000-01-19
Ecuador, Azuay, -2.9017 -79.2611, 3700m
26663 Reinaldo Espinosa Aguilar 2199 1947-09-10
Ecuador, 3260m
26665 Peter Møller Jørgensen 2427 2000-11-21
Ecuador, Azuay, -2.7719 -79.2461, 4270m
26668 Jaime Jaramillo 4027 1981-01-01
Ecuador, Loja, 2705m
26671 Jens Elgaard Madsen 75962 1988-12-17
Ecuador, Loja, 2500m
26672 Jens Elgaard Madsen 75963 1988-12-17
Ecuador, Loja, 2500m
1715 S. Salgado 97 2008-11-11
Ecuador, Loja, Saraguro, Laguna de Chinchilla, -3.607 -79.3936, 3300 - 3800m
5589 Jaime Jaramillo 20962 1999-02-27
Ecuador, Pichincha, 0.2208 -78.2472, 3960m
5590 Jaime Jaramillo 21006 1999-04-24
Ecuador, Pichincha, 0.2208 -78.2472, 3960m
18985 Hugo Omar Cabrera Cisneros 436 1999-07-20
Ecuador, Loja, 3400m
21636 Zhofre Huberto Aguirre Mendoza 258 2003-04-01
Ecuador, Loja, Saraguro, -3.7168 -79.3162, 3620m
26654 Zhofre Huberto Aguirre Mendoza 272 2003-04-02
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, -3.7077 -79.3072, 3460m
26655 Zhofre Huberto Aguirre Mendoza 383 2003-04-09
Ecuador, Azuay, Nabon, -3.2733 -79.0831, 3203m
26656 Zhofre Huberto Aguirre Mendoza 439 2003-04-11
Ecuador, Loja, Saraguro, -3.5538 -79.1815, 3060m
26657 Zhofre Huberto Aguirre Mendoza 505 2006-07-12
Ecuador, Loja, -4.7543 -79.4208, 3310m
26660 Susana León Yánez 1095 1990-11-18
Ecuador, Carchi, 1095m
26670 Lis Ellemann 66890 1989-06-22
Ecuador, Loja, 3400m
26673 Lis Ellemann 91638 1989-03-02
Ecuador, Loja, 2600m
11537 Francisco Vivar Castro 1502 1982-05-11
Ecuador, Loja, 2800m
21661 Pablo Enrique Lozano Carpio 1235 2000-11-11
Ecuador, Azuay, -3.2167 -79.2667, 1800m
21677 Francisco Vivar Castro 1933 1983-07-14
Ecuador, Loja, 2200m
49897 50246 1984-02-19
Ecuador, Loja, sin datos, Vicinity of Loja, at road toward La Toma (Catamayo). Disturbed xerophytic vegetation, locally more humid., 2200m
191497 Thomas Bernard Croat 89976 2003-06-01
Ecuador, Loja, Along road between Loja and San Lucas, 32.4 Km N of terminal terrestre in Loja, 6.4 Km N of Las Juntas, along Río Marañon., -3.9875 -79.1578, 1981m
94437 Peter Møller Jørgensen 1389 1994-12-09
Ecuador, Loja, Cofradia. Saraguro-Loja, Km 40.2. Montane forest, disturbed., -3.8231 -79.2967, 2580m
104218 Jens Elgaard Madsen 75962 1988-12-17
Ecuador, Loja, Road Loja - La Toma, km 20. Cerro Villonaco. Remnants of montane forest and paramo vegetation., -4 -79.2833, 2500m
120952 Jens Elgaard Madsen 74408 1984-05-23
Ecuador, Loja, Old road Loja - Catamayo, c. km 10. Disturbed shrubby vegetation along roadside and on hills used for pasture; evidently burned rather recently., -4 -79.3333, 2700m
122073 Paul M. Ramsay 553 1987-09-16
Ecuador, Loja, Saraguro, Loja Province. Páramo de Ã*a, -3.5833 -79.25, 3100m
21104 J. Jaramillo 831 1979-02-25
Ecuador, Loja, sin datos, Vía Saraguro -Tenta, Ciénego Grande
QCA71624 G. Harling 25346 1988-10-20
Ecuador, Loja, Desconocido, S slopes of cerro Villonaco., -3.98333 -79.2667
QCA135065 J. Jaramillo 831 1979-02-25
Ecuador, Loja, Desconocido, Vía Saraguro hacia Tenta., -3.61667 -79.25
QCA71626 N.H. Holmgren 10170 1982-07-28
Ecuador, Loja, Desconocido, Cuenca-Loja road (Pan American Highway), 26.2 km north of Saraguro (town square), ca 12 air km nort-northeast (25ş) Of Saraguro, -3.6 -79.4667
QCA71636 L. Ellemann 91638 1989-03-02
Ecuador, Loja, Desconocido, Jera 10 km north-east of Saraguro. Information of local name and use: MarÌe Christine Bermeo, Saraguro-indian., -3.4 -79.2333
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, km 5 Av. Exodo de Yangana, -4.037085 -79.198675, 2164m
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1260026423 Jens E. Madsen 50246 1984-02-19
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Vicinity of Loja, at road toward La Toma (Catamayo). Disturbed xerophytic vegetation, locally more humid., -4 -79.21666
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
699259521 B.L. Wrigley 213 1967-07-23
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Zamora, Saquea, -3.91777 -78.85138
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
4130397824 J.E. Madsen 1988-12-17
Ecuador, Loja, Catamayo, Road Loja - La Toma, km 20. Cerro Villonaco. Remnants of montane forest and paramo vegetation., -4 -79.283
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
4130395837 J.E. Madsen 1984-02-19
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Vicinity of Loja, at road toward La Toma (Catamayo). Disturbed xerophytic vegetation, locally more humid., -4 -79.216
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
4130390842 J.E. Madsen 1988-12-17
Ecuador, Loja, Catamayo, Road Loja - La Toma, km 20. Cerro Villonaco. Remnants of montane forest and paramo vegetation., -4 -79.283
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
4464624650 Florian A. Werner 1712 2005-07-23
Ecuador, Loja, Paltas, -4.026006 -79.548619
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
4464624606 Boris M. Hillmann 7 2009-10-03
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, -3.8136 -79.2175
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
4464624498 Jens Elgaard Madsen 75962 1988-12-17
Ecuador, Loja, Catamayo, -4 -79.283333
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
4464624496 Jens Elgaard Madsen 75963 1988-12-17
Ecuador, Loja, Catamayo, -4 -79.283333
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1261838738 P.M. Jørgensen;Carmen Ulloa;Homero Vargas;Pablo Lozano 1389 1994-12-09
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Cofradia. Saraguro-Loja, Km 40.2. Montane forest, disturbed., -3.823056 -79.296667
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
2643376868 C. W. Penland 1156 1939-07-28
Vicinity of Loja.
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1261184337 Jens E. Madsen;et al. 74408 1984-05-23
Ecuador, Loja, Catamayo, Old road Loja - Catamayo, c. km 10. Disturbed shrubby vegetation along roadside and on hills used for pasture; evidently burned rather recently., -4 -79.33333
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1261181585 Steven E. Clemants 2393 1982-08-22
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1261181517 Jens E. Madsen 75962 1988-12-17
Ecuador, Loja, Catamayo, Road Loja - La Toma, km 20. Cerro Villonaco. Remnants of montane forest and paramo vegetation., -4 -79.28333
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1261181437 Jaime L. Jaramillo;V. Winnerskjold 5692 1983-08-14
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1260852838 Florian A. Werner 1712 2005-07-23
Cerro El Ahuaca, close to the town of Cariamanga. Montane dry forest, scrub and pyrogenic grassland. Occurrs regularly in herb. veg. up to the top.
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
2515577048 Madsen JE; et al. Madsen, JE; et al. 74408 1984-05-23
Ecuador, Loja, Catamayo, -4 -79.33333, 2700m
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1259164751 Thomas B. Croat;Mark Menke 89976 2003-06-01
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Along road between Loja and San Lucas, 32.4 Km N of terminal terrestre in Loja, 6.4 Km N of Las Juntas, along Río Marañon., -3.9875 -79.15777
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
4130390838 J.E. Madsen 1984-05-23
Ecuador, Loja, Catamayo, Old road Loja - Catamayo, c. km 10. Disturbed shrubby vegetation along roadside and on hills used for pasture; evidently burned rather recently., -4 -79.333
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
4121240037 Nelson Apolo 2023-05-21
Ecuador, Loja, Sozoranga, -4.32852 -79.800142
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
4061963447 Jens E. Madsen 75962 1988-12-17
Ecuador, Loja, Catamayo, Road Loja - La Toma, km 20. Cerro Villonaco. Remnants of montane forest and paramo vegetation., -4 -79.28333
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1261183953 Gunnar Wilhelm Harling 25346
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
2859227988 Holmgren, N.H.; Crisafulli, S.; Boeke, J.; Clemants, S. 10170 1982-07-28
Cuenca-Loja road (Pan American Highway), 26.2 km N of Saraguro, ca 12 air km NNE of Saraguro, 3060m
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1261183693 Jaime L. Jaramillo;Jaramillo, X. 831 1979-02-25
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1261183658 Noel H. Holmgren;Stephen Crisafulli;Jef D. Boeke;Steven E. Clemants 10170 1982-07-28
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1258509830 P.M. Ramsay;P.J. Merrow-Smith 553 1987-09-16
Ecuador, Loja, Saraguro, Loja Province. Páramo de Õa, -3.58333 -79.25
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1096603450 Holmgren, Crisafulli, Boeke & Clemants 10170 1982-07-28
Ecuador, Loja: Cuenca-Loja road (Pan American Highway), 26.2 km north of Saraguro (town square), ca 12 air km north-northeast of Saraguro. Common in wet Hypericum meadow, usually in standing water.
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1928764687 N. H. Holmgren 10170 1982-07-28
Cuenca-Loja road (Pan American Highway), 26.2 km N of Saraguro (town square), ca 12 air km N-NE (25°) of Saraguro., 3060m
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
3043020727 Holmgren, N. H.; Crisafulli, S.; Boeke, J.; Clemants, S. 10170 1982-07-28
Ecuador, Loja, Paltas, -4.08874 -79.65455
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
4130406120 N.H. Holmgren 1982-07-28
Cuenca-Loja road (Pan Amarican Highway), 26.2 km north of Saraguro (town square), ca 12 air km north-northwest (25°) of Saraguro. Common in wet Hypericum meadow, usually in standing water
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
4110146145 Noel H. Holmgren;Steve Crisafulli;Jef D. Boeke;Steven E. Clemants 1982-07-28
Cuenca-Loja road (Pan American Highway), 26.2 km N of Saraguro (town square), ca. 12 air km NNE (25°) of Saraguro.
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
4061934760 Jaime L. Jaramillo;Jaramillo, X. 831 1979-02-25
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
4061774812 Noel H. Holmgren;Stephen Crisafulli;Jef D. Boeke;Steven E. Clemants 10170 1982-07-28
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
4061760754 Jaime L. Jaramillo;Jaramillo, X. 831 1979-02-25
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
4061760752 Noel H. Holmgren;Stephen Crisafulli;Jef D. Boeke;Steven E. Clemants 10170 1982-07-28
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1261184049 Gunnar Wilhelm Harling;Lennart Andersson 22264 1985-02-19
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1261184010 C. Franquemont 188 1983-03-16
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1261178750 L. Ellemann 66890 1989-01-22
Ecuador, Loja, Saraguro, Fierra Urcu, 10 km south of Saraguro. Information of vernacular name and use: Natívidad Guamán, Saraguro-indian., -3.68333 -79.33333
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1258287242 Dennis H. Knight Knight 433 1965-03-07
Ecuador, Loja, Sin dato, Slopes of Cerro Villonaco, ca. 10 km west of Loja, -4 -79.246
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1096642055 Gunnar Harling & Bertil Ståhl 26541 1993-02-19
Flora of Ecuador. Loja: Road Selva Alegre-Manu, 4 km W of Selva Alegre, primary montane forest, 3000 m.
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
4130393010 L. Ellemann 1989-01-22
Ecuador, Loja, Saraguro, Fierra Urcu, 10 km south of Saraguro. Information of vernacular name and use: Natívidad Guamán, Saraguro-indian., -3.683 -79.333
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
4077757653 Hugo Omar Cabrera Cisneros 436 1999-07-20
Ecuador, Loja, Espíndola, -4.711667 -79.427778
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
4077757099 Hugo Omar Cabrera Cisneros 436 1999-07-20
Ecuador, Loja, Espíndola, -4.711667 -79.427778
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
4464635877 Zhofre Huberto Aguirre Mendoza 258 2003-04-01
Ecuador, Loja, Saraguro, -3.7168 -79.3162
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
4464624644 Zhofre Huberto Aguirre Mendoza 439 2003-04-11
Ecuador, Loja, Saraguro, -3.5538 -79.1815
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
4464624640 Zhofre Huberto Aguirre Mendoza 272 2003-04-02
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, -3.7077 -79.3072
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
4464624493 Lis Ellemann 66890 1989-06-22
Ecuador, Loja, Saraguro, -3.683333 -79.333333
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1261835638 P.M. Jørgensen;Carmen Ulloa;Susana León;Homero Vargas;Pablo Lozano 730 1994-11-22
Ecuador, Loja, Espíndola, Cordillera de Las Lagunitas. Amaluza-Jimbura-Zumba, Km 36. Shrubby vegetation and surrounding páramo and subpáramo., -4.726389 -79.433333
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1261179716 Jens E. Madsen 75963 1988-12-17
Ecuador, Loja, Catamayo, Road Loja - La Toma, km 20. Cerro Villonaco. Remnants of montane forest and paramo vegetation., -4 -79.28333
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1261178893 L. Ellemann 91638 1989-03-02
Ecuador, Azuay, Nabón, Jera 10 km north-east of Saraguro. Information of local name and use: Maríe Christine Bermeo, Saraguro-indian., -3.4 -79.23333
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1261178891 Benjamin Øllgaard;H. Balslev 9654 1976-09-22
Ecuador, Loja, Espíndola, Muletrack Amaluza - Palanda, western slope, near the pass (W of Laguna Chuquiragua). Grass páramo with patches of montane forest with large trees in protected places., -4.58333 -79.33333
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1260029554 Benjamin Øllgaard;L. Ellemann;Jan P. Feil;S. Calderón 90819 1989-03-04
Ecuador, Loja, Catamayo, Road La Argelia (southern Loja)-La Palma, along crest of the mountain range just SW of Loja., -4.06666 -79.23333
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
4130396687 B. Ollgaard 1989-03-04
Ecuador, Loja, Catamayo, Road La Argelia (southern Loja)-La Palma, along crest of the mountain range just SW of Loja., -4.066 -79.233
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
4130394044 L. Ellemann 1989-03-02
Ecuador, Azuay, Nabón, Jera 10 km north-east of Saraguro. Information of local name and use: Maríe Christine Bermeo, Saraguro-indian., -3.4 -79.233
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
4130385708 B. Ollgaard 1976-09-22
Ecuador, Loja, Espíndola, Muletrack Amaluza - Palanda, western slope, near the pass (at Laguna Areviatadas Pilares). Grass páramo with large sloping bogs towards the lakes, and up to 3 m high scrub in protected places., -4.583 -79.333
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
4130385707 B. Ollgaard 1976-09-22
Ecuador, Loja, Espíndola, Muletrack Amaluza - Palanda, western slope, near the pass (W of Laguna Chuquiragua). Grass páramo with patches of montane forest with large trees in protected places., -4.583 -79.333
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
4061815135 Jens E. Madsen 75963 1988-12-17
Ecuador, Loja, Catamayo, Road Loja - La Toma, km 20. Cerro Villonaco. Remnants of montane forest and paramo vegetation., -4 -79.28333
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
4077768420 Francisco Vivar Castro 1502 1982-05-11
Ecuador, Loja, Puyango, -3.961319 -79.984953
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
4077768403 Francisco Vivar Castro 1502 1982-05-11
Ecuador, Loja, Puyango, -3.961319 -79.984953
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, km 5 Av. Exodo de Yangana, -4.037085 -79.198675, 2164m
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
4464636284 Francisco Vivar Castro 1933 1983-07-14
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, -4.022722 -79.202944
kantoborgy:Plantae LV
2803038740 L. Vivar. 2020-06-15
Ecuador, Pichincha, Quito, -0.350049 -78.324931
kantoborgy:Plantae LV
4171152225 L. Vivar. 2023-07-28
Ecuador, Pichincha, Quito, -0.356644 -78.307793