3444 Lis Ellemann 75382 1988-11-17
Ecuador, Loja, Jimbilla, -3.9167 -79.15
3445 Lis Ellemann 91666 1989-03-09
Ecuador, Loja, Urdaneta, -3.6 -79.1667
6916 Jens Elgaard Madsen 7729 2001-03-06
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Sabanilla, -3.966667 -79.066667
17588 Thomas B. Croat L. 92150 2004-07-25
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, -3.9967 -79.1444, 2770m
38754 A. Jimenez 18 2007-09-05
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Paquisha, -3.976722 -78.650056, 855m
38767 Orlando Agusti?n Sa?nchez Tapia 335 2005-03-21
Ecuador, Loja, Garzareal, -4.2375 -80.306, 580 - 730m
38768 Orlando Agusti?n Sa?nchez Tapia 335 2005-03-21
Ecuador, Loja, Garzareal, -4.2375 -80.306, 580 - 730m
38774 Susana León Yánez 1055 1990-11-04
Ecuador, Pichincha, Pifo, -0.3 -78.2333, 3800m
38796 Henk van der Werff 21774 2006-10-29
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Valladolid, -4.4956 -79.1319, 2500m
104083 Lis Ellemann 75382 1988-11-17
Ecuador, Loja, Loja-Zamora 12 km from Loja, on the finca of Dr. David Espinosa. Information of vernacular names: Daniel Chalán Cartuche, Saraguro-indian., -3.9167 -79.15, 2400 - 2600m
198637 Jens Elgaard Madsen 7729 2001-03-06
Ecuador, Loja, Rd. Loja - Zamora, km 18 (El Tiro). Ridge-top vegetation with elfin forest and roadside., 2800m
172085 Jens Elgaard Madsen 74028 1984-04-22
Ecuador, Loja, Loja-Zamora road, approx. km 15., 2400 - 2700m
4067895127 F. Tinitana;P. Jaramillo, R. Sinche & W. Agreda MERMAC03N 2008-11-05
Ecuador, Loja, Macará, Mercado, -4.380258 -79.944631
QCA23708 L. Ellemann 75382 1988-11-17
Ecuador, Loja, Desconocido, Loja-Zamora 12 km from Loja, on the finca of Dr. David Espinosa. Information of vernacular names: Daniel Chal·n Cartuche, Saraguro-indian., -3.91667 -79.15
QCA23709 L. Ellemann 91666 1989-03-09
Ecuador, Loja, Desconocido, 12 km north-west of Saraguro on Loma Paredones. Information of vernacular name and use: Honorio Gonzales., -3.6 -79.1667
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1261302675 L. Ellemann 91666 1989-03-09
Ecuador, Loja, Saraguro, 12 km north-west of Saraguro on Loma Paredones. Information of vernacular name and use: Honorio Gonzales., -3.6 -79.16666
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1261302480 L. Ellemann 75382 1988-11-17
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Loja-Zamora 12 km from Loja, on the finca of Dr. David Espinosa. Information of vernacular names: Daniel Chalán Cartuche, Saraguro-indian., -3.91666 -79.15
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
1260029632 Jens E. Madsen 74028 1984-04-22
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Zamora, Loja-Zamora road, approx. km 15., -3.96666 -79.13333
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
185096338 L. Ellemann 1989-03-09
Ecuador, Loja, Saraguro, 12 km north-west of Saraguro on Loma Paredones. Information of vernacular name and use: Honorio Gonzales., -3.6 -79.166
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
185096336 L. Ellemann 1988-11-17
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Loja-Zamora 12 km from Loja, on the finca of Dr. David Espinosa. Information of vernacular names: Daniel Chalán Cartuche, Saraguro-indian., -3.916 -79.15
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
185096239 J.E. Madsen 1984-04-22
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Zamora, Loja-Zamora road, approx. km 15., -3.966 -79.133
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
4077761790 Lis Ellemann 91666 1989-03-09
Ecuador, Loja, Saraguro, -3.6 -79.1667
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
4077761780 Lis Ellemann 75382 1988-11-17
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, -3.9167 -79.15
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
4077756878 Thomas B. Croat L. 92150 2004-07-25
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Zamora, -3.9967 -79.1444
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
4077756856 Thomas B. Croat L. 92150 2004-07-25
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Zamora, -3.9967 -79.1444
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
4067895127 F. Tinitana;P. Jaramillo, R. Sinche & W. Agreda MERMAC03N 2008-11-05
Ecuador, Loja, Macará, Mercado, -4.380258 -79.944631
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
4464625073 Orlando Agusti?n Sa?nchez Tapia 335 2005-03-21
Ecuador, Loja, Zapotillo, -4.2375 -80.306
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
4464625070 Orlando Agusti?n Sa?nchez Tapia 335 2005-03-21
Ecuador, Loja, Zapotillo, -4.2375 -80.306
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
4077761799 Lis Ellemann 75382 1988-11-17
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, -3.9167 -79.15
Gbif:Plantae Gbif
4077761784 Lis Ellemann 91666 1989-03-09
Ecuador, Loja, Saraguro, -3.6 -79.1667